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What we do
Total Steel can supply full manufactured lengths in any of our range. We can also assist our customers by offering the following processing services
Plasma Cutting
Powerful and reliable high definition plasma units
Fully rotational 360 degree bevel head cutting systems perfect for all your preps welds, chamfers, general engineering and fabrication purposes cutting up to 50mm thick material.
Full CNC controlled machine with greater tolerance allowing highly accurate shapes to be produced & better cut quality
Oxy Cutting
Six head multi torch oxy fuel cutting machines
Oxy propane cutting process is achieved by blowing away the molten material which is melted by combustion heat of acetylene gas and oxygen.
With a capacity of cutting mild steel plate up to 300mm thick; quenched and tempered plate up to 160mm thick.
We have the ability to produce almost any shape from large plates that makes oxy cutting ideal for a wide range of industries.
What is Bevelling
There are situations when steel plates are so thick that it would be impossible to obtain a good weld without weld preparation, i.e. without bevelling. Normally, plates thicker than 4 mm need to be bevelled before welding.
Saw Cutting
Total Steel can save you time and money by delivering your pipe, merchant sections or RHS products cut to size.
By feeding in bulk material we can ensure that your products are cut accurately and meet your specifications with either perfectly square ends or 45 degree mitre ends.
Stud Welding
Stud welding to wear plate enables rapid fitting of wear plate liners to chutes, feed slots and hoppers.
Drilling and Countersinking
Drilling wear plates requires replaceable carbide tipped inserts using robust drilling equipment to avoid tip chipping caused by excess movement
However the drilling of EHSP wear plates requires the use of tungsten
All other grades can be drilled with high speed drills provided care is taken
Bending & Rolling
Using a number of horizontal roles, plate is curved into a range of radial shapes
Plate hardness determines the speed and cutting depth. When machining , carbide tipped cutting tools will perform best.
Pipe Threading
Total Steel can thread commercial pipe from 15 nb - 100 nb to BSP thread standards, in both standard and cut-to-length.
Plasma Cutting
Powerful and reliable high definition plasma units
Fully rotational 360 degree bevel head cutting systems perfect for all your preps welds, chamfers, general engineering and fabrication purposes cutting up to 50mm thick material.
Full CNC controlled machine with greater tolerance allowing highly accurate shapes to be produced & better cut quality
Oxy Cutting
Six head multi torch oxy fuel cutting machines
Oxy propane cutting process is achieved by blowing away the molten material which is melted by combustion heat of acetylene gas and oxygen.
With a capacity of cutting mild steel plate up to 300mm thick; quenched and tempered plate up to 160mm thick.
We have the ability to produce almost any shape from large plates that makes oxy cutting ideal for a wide range of industries.
What is Bevelling
There are situations when steel plates are so thick that it would be impossible to obtain a good weld without weld preparation, i.e. without bevelling. Normally, plates thicker than 4 mm need to be bevelled before welding.
Saw Cutting
Total Steel can save you time and money by delivering your pipe, merchant sections or RHS products cut to size.
By feeding in bulk material we can ensure that your products are cut accurately and meet your specifications with either perfectly square ends or 45 degree mitre ends.
Stud Welding
Stud welding to wear plate enables rapid fitting of wear plate liners to chutes, feed slots and hoppers.
Drilling and Countersinking
Drilling wear plates requires replaceable carbide tipped inserts using robust drilling equipment to avoid tip chipping caused by excess movement
However the drilling of EHSP wear plates requires the use of tungsten
All other grades can be drilled with high speed drills provided care is taken
Bending & Rolling
Using a number of horizontal roles, plate is curved into a range of radial shapes
Plate hardness determines the speed and cutting depth. When machining , carbide tipped cutting tools will perform best.
Pipe Threading
Total Steel can thread commercial pipe from 15 nb - 100 nb to BSP thread standards, in both standard and cut-to-length.